Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and am not making any money off them.


Chapter 9

An hour later, Trixie entered the living room with Honey. As she walked in, she saw her parents along with Honey’s sitting on the couches. Mart and Di were standing behind Moms and Dad. Dan was standing next to Jim trying to find out what was going on.

"What is going on?" Madeleine Wheeler asked.

Trixie put her and in the air signaling everyone to be quiet. She watched Honey move over to Jim and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"What is going on, Trix?" Mart asked. "Why this special meeting?"

Trixie brushed a few stray curls behind her ear. "What I have to say is important. That’s why I asked for all of you to be here at one time so I only have to do this once."

"What is it, sweetie?" Peter Belden asked.

Trixie looked at Jim and he nodded his head.

"Brian has been kidnapped."

"What?" Peter asked.

"Oh, no," Helen Belden exclaimed.

"How?" Mart asked.

"It can’t be," Madeleine said.

Everyone looked shocked. Trixie closed her eyes and waited for the bombardment of questions to end. Once they were quiet, Trixie explained what they knew.

When she finished, Mart asked, "What can we do to help?"

"Nothing right now," Trixie said. "The police are checking the prints on the note Honey received. I’m also waiting on an associate of mine from the FBI to help out. When he gets here, we’ll come up with a plan."

"Trixie, do you think you’ll get Brian back?" Peter asked wrapping his arm around his wife’s shoulder.

"We’ll do our best," Trixie said not wanting to give false hope in either direction.

Trixie turned, left the room and exited the house. She needed time to think. She made her way down the driveway toward the gatehouse. When she reached it, she realized she didn’t have her key anymore. She had left it with her brothers when she had left for college. She hoped the extra key was still hidden on top of the windowsill. It was.

Unlocking the door, she stepped inside and turned the light on. She looked around. Everything looked the same as the last time she was in there before going to college.

She moved to the table and sat down on one of the benches. She ran her hand over the table and thought about how the boys, now men, had worked hard to make the gatehouse their own.

Closing her eyes, she could picture Brian up on the roof helping to make it weather tight with Jim and Mart. She could also see her eldest brother sitting atop Starlight as they rode as a group through the game preserve.

Trixie felt the tears start streaming down her face. She put her hands to her face and sobbed out loud.

Why did this have to happen to Brian? she thought. Why now? He’s supposed to be getting ready for the wedding. I have to find him. I have these skills I’ve gained while working with the FBI, but what good are they doing me? My brother is missing and I don’t know where he is? I wish I could’ve seen this coming. I could’ve had him on guard.

I can’t understand why I am so scared. I have worked on kidnapping cases before and it never affected me this way. But then again, it wasn’t my brother, my flesh and blood, that was taken. I just hope everything I learned will help me to get him back. It just has to.

She continued to cry. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been thee when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. The hand gave it a squeeze. She felt the person sit down beside her. Without looking up, she turned and cried on the person’s chest. Whoever it was wrapped an arm around her shoulder and rubbed her back without saying a word.

After a little while, her sobs quieted down and she leaned back. Looking up, she saw it was Jim who had been comforting her.

"I’m sorry," she said startled sliding back on the bench.

"It’s all right." Jim reached over and wiped the tears from her face with his thumbs.

Trixie got to her feet as if an electric current shot through her and moved to the window with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Has there been any word?"

"Nothing yet."

She looked at her watch. "Stan should be here soon."

"Trixie, look at me," Jim said.

She turned her gaze on him and saw he was staring at her. She felt her heart beat a little faster. Part of her wanted him to hold her, but she knew they would never be a couple again.

"Trix, how are holding up with this, really?" Jim asked. "I want you to be honest with me."

She looked at the floor. "I am a little worried. Mostly because I don’t know who has Brian." She looked at Jim. "But I guarantee I will find my brother."

"What can I do to help?"

Trixie was surprised. Jim rarely volunteered to help. He was always trying to convince her to stay out of things.

He must have seen the surprise on her face because he said, "I can’t sit here and do nothing. Honey is scared and I will do anything to help them get back to each other."

"I think Honey would appreciate it. She loves Brian so much."

"She sure does."

There was an awkward silence. Trixie felt uncomfortable being alone with Jim in the gatehouse. The silence was broken by the ringing of her cell phone.


"Hey, Trixie, it’s Stan."

"Where are you?"

"I’m just leaving the city now. I had to pick up some supplies and should be there soon. Has there been any more contact?"

"No, not a word."

"Okay. I’ll be there soon and we will find this kidnapper."

"I appreciate you coming to help," Trixie said. "Come right up to the Manor House when you get here. We can set up the equipment there." Jim nodded his head.

"All right. I’ll see you soon."

"Bye." Trixie turned off her phone.

"He’s on his way?" Jim asked.

Trixie nodded. "I hope you don’t mind me telling him to come to the Manor House."

"That’s fine. The person behind this keeps contacting Honey. This is where the equipment should be."

"We should probably get back to the house. The lunatic may call again."

"Honey will need you if the call comes," Jim said.

"She’ll need you too," Trixie said with a smile.

"Let’s go."

Chapter 10

It was midnight and Trixie was sitting in the empty room next to Honey’s. She and Stan had set up the equipment in there so as not to disturb Honey anymore. Trixie leaned back in the chair and stared at the equipment. There had not been a call to her phone all day. She was taking her turn monitoring while Stan went to get some fresh air.

When Stan had arrived, he had been kind and understanding as he got down to work. After setting up the equipment that would trace any calls to Honey’s phone, the blond-haired 35-year-old talked to Honey trying to find a lead as to what had gone on. He had taken his time knowing she was upset and listened as she talked.

Now, they were waiting for the kidnappers to call back. Stan felt pretty sure the individual would call Honey again since she had been receiving notes for a while.

Trixie got to her feet and moved about the room. She didn’t like to sit and wait, but she knew it was part of the job. She looked over at the wall and noticed the boxes of items that were there for the wedding.

She moved toward the items and immediately saw the box that held the name cards for the tables at the reception. Without thinking, the lifted the lid and took out the first few cards. The first card she saw was Honey’s, with her married name. She smiled. She couldn’t wait for Honey to be her sister. It felt right.

She flipped to the next card and stopped. It was Brian’s and his name was crossed out with a red marker. She couldn’t believe it.

The next card had her name. She fingered the lettering and realized there was no need for her to have a card since she was banned from the wedding. She put the cards back in the box and closed the lid. As she turned away from the wedding items, she rubbed her arms. She had to find the kidnapper. It was the only way to make it up to Honey.

Trixie moved back to the equipment and sat down.


Turning, she saw Jim standing in the doorway with a mug in his hand. He came toward her and handed her the steaming mug. "I brought you some hot chocolate."

"Thanks," Trixie said taking the mug. She took a sip before looking at him. "How’s Honey doing?"

"She’s worried. Just like everyone else."

"Whoever has Brian is out of his or her mind. We will get him back."

"Just keep thinking that," Jim said. "I’m going to sit with Honey. If there’s anything you or Stan need, just let me know."

"Thanks, Jim."

He nodded his head and left the room.

Trixie took another sip of the hot chocolate. She hoped she was right that they would get Brian back.

To be continued

TBH Fan Fiction